Thursday, April 23, 2009

Get Your Learn On!

Wow, is it really possible that the semester is coming to an end . . . at some point . . . please? We are having an amazingly busy spring here on the Eighth Floor. It is fun, but busy. I had an absolute blast yesterday with the ladies at University of Oklahoma learning PowerPoint - I wanted them to know that. They are always a fun, eager crowd. Yesterday afternoon, I taught the Digital Pictures Projects class to another very fun group of women here on the Eighth Floor. Along with several tools that foster digital storytelling, we played with the tool. Now, that was a blast! Go check it out.

As the semester winds down, I get time to focus a little on my OWN learning, or as they say, "get my learn on" – I wasn’t born this smart, ya know! People always want to know how I know all this stuff. One of my best resources for “what’s going on” when it comes to technology and education is Classroom 2.0. I know many of you have heard me talk about this social networking group. The folks here are a huge part of my learning community. Because I am such a sharerer, I wanted to tell you a little more about what goes one here.

Classroom 2.0 is a social network for those interested in collaborative technologies in education. One of my favorite parts is the Classroom 2.0 LIVE. These are real-time online classes offered in Elluminate (easy for beginners – they have directions). The workshops are about an hour long and full of great resources and relevant information. If you can’t attend the real-time class, you can go to the archives, which is where I usually end up. Hey, it’s asynchronous learning at its best!

Here’s a sample of what has gone on:

Digital Storytelling-Special Guest: Rushton Hurley 04/18/2009
  • NECC Unplugged/EduBloggerCon-NECC 2009-Facilitators: Steve Hargadon & Wes Fryer 04/11/2009
  • Screencasting-Presenter: Lorna Costantini 04/04/2009
  • Podcasting, PodStock and Ning-Special Guest: Kevin Honeycutt 03/21/2009
  • Moodle in Education-Special Guest: Miguel Guhlin 03/14/2009
  • Twitter for Teachers-Special Guest: Rodd Lucier 03/09/2009
  • Social Networking/Ning and More-Special Guests: Steve Hargadon/Rick Ruden 02/28/2009
  • VoiceThread-Special Guest: Colette Cassinelli 02/21/2009
  • Skype for Collaboration-Special Guest Wesley Fryer 02/14/2009
  • 17 Jan 09 - Google Forms 01/26/2009

    I encourage you to poke around. There is one today on open content in education. I will be hitting the archives next week to hear that one.

    If you are already a member of Classroom 2.0 or sign up in the future, add me as a friend!! Hopefully you can find me . . .Lee Anne Morris or lamorris.

    BTW – The Eighth Floor summer schedule will be available very soon. Enrollment begins Monday, May 4th, 2009. We have some exciting new programs this summer. Keep checking the website!

    Just Sharin’
    Lee Anne

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